Monday, April 12, 2010

The Greenhouse Effect_Respond (15pts) :)

The Greenhouse effect article I read made me change my opinion about how important this is to the Earth. A few important facts I learned were:
*The problems begin when human activities change the natural process by creating more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere than are necessary to warm the planet to an ideal temperature.
*Scientists agree that even the smallest increase in the global climate would lead to significant climate and weather changes, affecting cloud cover, precipitation, wind patterns, the frequency of storms, and the length of seasons.
*Many of the world’s endangered species would become extinct as rising temperatures changed their habitat.

This proves that WE are the ones who are causing the greenhouse effects that are occurring in the atmosphere. Therefore, we have to find a way to stop this before chaos breaks loose and the place that is now called Earth will turn into a disastrous place of havoc, destruction, and devastation! I was absolutely shocked when I read this article and now I just hope that the worse isn't going to happen and that Earth will still be able to sustain us and all the future generations that are yet to come. :0) ~Vikinggirl<3
This is the link for the article I read and mentioned in this blog post! [;

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